Friday, November 11, 2011

The Admonish-able Snowman... Gets Even

Feeling sick? Got the flu? Still getting nagged?

Do you want to get even...

....... without getting in trouble?

Lick the spoons... and put them back.

Go ahead, do it...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Train Ride!

Recently I took a train to California.  This always seems like a really good idea when I think about driving out there.  When I think of driving to California, I take my attention span into consideration.  Last time I traveled to California (6 months prior) I was very agreeable when my cousin Betty and her friend Jamie wanted to stop only 20 minute outside of Flagstaff (that's 20 minutes into the drive) to go to the drive-through wild-life park BEARIZONA.

We also stopped in Kingman and I was a party to encouraging that we spend the night in Las Vegas rather than make the whole drive in one day.

I guess my point is, left to my own devices, if I were to operate a vehicle from Flagstaff, Arizona to Long Beach, California I would stop at every thing that caught my attention, make a detour to Encinitas, spend three days there before making it to my destination, and since my mother was traveling with me, between the two of us we would probably end up buying a Chihuahua puppy or two and maybe some parakeets.

The train ride saved us from that, however, because there is no one to sell dogs to you on the train, nor are there any attractions.

Unless you count the two loud, bothersome teenagers a few seats up from us that kept us awake most of the night.

And here begins the story of my train ride to California:

The End. :(