Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An Introduction

I’ve decided to start a blog. All my friends are, so I thought I should too. Actually, I had the idea before I knew about theirs, but this just proves how close in mind we all are, since we all started blogs about the same time. Except, none of us have actually written anything yet, except introductions.

So, here is my introduction. This blog may be scattered and all over the place. So, if you are a creature of mundane repetition, you may only want to read this blog when you are feeling adventurous or are bored with your repetitive day-to-day existence. On the other hand, if your mind flits from subject to subject, or you enjoy going off on tangents, starting projects and not finishing them, this may be a blog you feel at home at.

Sometimes, I feel as though, instead of starting one blog, I should start a few. A different blog for adventures, short stories, poetry, humor, music, yoga, and on and on. I even feel like I should have a special blog for my VW Bus Bubbles.

Instead, this will be an EVERYTHING bagel of a blog. Because, it’s a blog about instances in the life of Clair Anna Rose Adventure S_________, and for all the random and unrelated stuff that happens, it’s fun to write about. And it all fits together in some way.

Warning: I have some “experiences” that may make some people uncomfortable. For example, when I get to the story about the time I worked at a local bridal shop and found myself surprisingly working at the sex toy counter I had no idea existed, selling very wiggly and sometimes firm objects, I will post a disclaimer before the blog. So folks who get twitchy around words like “dildo” and “anal beads” have a chance to say, “Hmm, I think I’ll skip that one.” But please don’t! I promise the SEX TOY SERIES to be a good one.

I will try not to use an overabundance of bad words, unless I’m quoting someone, or I if am of the firm opinion that a person can only be referred to as “Fuck-head” or “Douche bag.” Which sometimes, you must admit, those names are fitting. Also, sometimes new names, like those listed above, are used to protect the innocent.

If you are a grammar prude, please, go to town leaving comments on any grammar issues I may have. I like to use proper talk when I be righting, but I SOMETIMES miss thing, and wood knot mind if it were done pointed out to me so for that I could fix it and not be looked like I am an total dunce. You know I mean? However, I shall try to always give my posts a once over.

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