Thursday, May 24, 2012

Solar Eclipse 2012

Sunday there was a pretty darn almost total solar eclipse near where I lived. Nobody told me until the morning of it. I suppose that's one of those things that I would know, if I watched the News, or wasn't playing hooky from face-space that day. But I was gluing stuff to stuff, so eat my toe jam, I didn't know, o.k?

Anyways, some people I hold dear to my heart didn't get to experience the Solar Eclipse to the extent that I did, and because I have feelings I know how that must have felt, pretty darn awful. I mean, this may be the only time this almost happens here in Flagstaff, and for my friends in Australia, California, Hawaii and wherever the hell else you guys are, I felt it my duty, yes, my duty, to show you what I saw.

I was standing outside noticing how green everything looked.

Now, this is a true story, so I would like to clarify, that though my hair is now a nice muck-colored shade of brown, in my imagination it's still flaming red. The honest thing about this picture is that I am this pale, and my glasses are blue with blue lenses and they are prescription, so when I wear them to yoga class and put them on during class, it's not because I need to feel cool, it's because I need to see what the teacher is showing us.


I was noticing how shadowy everything seemed...

In real life I also don't wear fuchsia lipstick (unless I'm 12.)

I decided I needed to know what time it was.

Then I realized I didn't remember what time the eclipse started.

But figured it either looked weird outside because it had started, or it looked weird because I was expecting it to happen, and thought things looked different.

I decided I needed goggles.

There were none.

I decided to try to look at the sun.

This is what I saw:

I've seen more exciting things in Amsterdam, that's for darn sure.

Across the parking lot I saw people looking at the sun as if they weren't blinded.

I galloped over to them.

"Are those special eclipse goggles?" I asked.

"Yes, would you like to see?" One said.

"Yes!" I squealed and held them up to my eyes.

But this is actually all it looked like:

Now you know. I hope this makes up for what you missed.

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