Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adventures with Pinhole Cameras!

Yesterday I decided to make a pinhole camera. Out of a matchbox. I broke a lot of film rolls, and today, after replenishing my film supplies, succeeded in having something resembling a camera.

Today, after researching how to take pictures with my new camera, I set out to make art.

Here are my masterpiece matchbox pinhole camera photos;
I have no idea what this is.

This was supposed to be the cat. Or the car. It's hard to tell because it is overexposed.

This was supposed to be the cat... but she slinked out of the shot. She's wily like that.

That is supposed to be Bently, he's the blurry white blob at the bottom of the shot, relatively dig-shaped.

I call this one, "Over Exposed."

Over exposed 2.

The yard, also over exposed.

That's supposed to be me playing guitar.

I am not sure what was supposed to be happening... but it didn't.

The end.

Until I develop the next roll.

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